
Embrace your vulnerability & flow with your feminine essence

I'm here to help remind you of that.

Often as women, we feel lost between the space of loving and embracing who we are and the societal expectations that disconnect us from that. We feel pressure that perpetuates our self-doubt, disempowers us, and makes us forget our beauty.

A female empowerment shoot is a unique opportunity to take that power back, remind you of your magic and 

a strong, magical, powerful one of a kind being

First up,

Photos are one of the few things in life that increase in value over time. 

you're a divine human

reclaim your body as the amazing lighthouse it is

These sessions are a safe and supportive collaboration to cultivate your confidence, draw out your creative energy and ultimately, make you damn proud of the vessel that carries you through life (they’ll be more to you than just photos that your 80-year-old-self will undoubtedly look back on with pride and love.)

A personal, tailored session to step into yourself, embrace your vulnerability, flow with your feminine essence, and showcase how incredible you really are.

An empowerment shoot will allow you to own it, get your mojo back and give the middle finger to societies soul-crushing ideas.

From your outfit (or lack thereof) to the location, the props, the vibe and the lighting, together we'll create a vision that represents *you* in all your magnificence.

Shot by the ocean at sunset, in an open field of flowers or in the privacy of your own home or hired studio – whatever feels right for you. There is no right or wrong. No rulebook. No limits to our creative imagination. This your shoot. Your vision. Your body. Your magic. Your life.

I’m here to create a collection of photos that light a wildfire of self-love within you.

Whether you’re wanting to gift your partner with some cheeky

I'm here to capture your journey back home to you

**Your privacy is important to me.
These images have been shared with permission from the subject. Not all empowerment sessions are shared to social media / my website, as requested by the client.

thank you for loving me inside and out

images, or gift yourself with the deserving reminder that

you’re a baby making life giving feminine goddess,

I’ve got you.

Are you ready to finally invest in you?

©JYPSEA 2024